Activities for everyone
Find your spot on the white sand beach or Whangarei Harbour for relaxing, swimming, fishing, or shell spotting. There are many beach breaks for surfing, boogie boarding, or body surfing. During summer lifeguards patrol the surf club area which is popular for beach activities. The surf club has an adjacent café for food and refreshments. The pipeline track gives access to the back of the dunes.
Enjoy fishing off the beach, from a kayak or a boat at one of the many fishing spots. Snapper is common along with gurnad and kahawai. Boat launching at Princes Rd, One Tree Point and Marsden Cove Marina. A popular fishing and diving destination is the Hen & Chicken Islands. Try your hand at Wilson Dam fly fishing for trout in a stocked lake. Beach access for vehicles from Mair Rd or Tip Rd off Uretiti Rd.
High tide is perfect for paddling up the Ruakaka River on kayaks and paddleboards. Low tide is good for bird watching at the Ruakaka River mouth where New Zealand Dotterel and Variable Oyster Catchers breed.

Stroll the Marsden Cove market every 3rd Sunday of the month or Waipu market every 2nd Sunday of the month.
Ruakaka Kite Sports for kite surfing, land kiting, fun kites and lessons.
Surfline – Roger Hall handcrafted surfboard manufacturer and showroom.
Waipu Museum details Waipu’s Scottish origins
Highland Games are orgainsed every New Year by the Waipu Caledonian Society.
Bream Bay Combined Arts Group Inc has groups for Photography, Painting, Pottery and Fibre work.
A 230 berth marina at Marsden Cove supports marine facilities including chandlery and fuel dock.
Ruakaka offers a variety of accommodation options including: